I wrote about the many benefits of extra virgin olive oil, but I would like to point out the often neglected benefits of EVOO. For example, it slows down the aging process in numerous ways. On the shelves of pharmacies, as well as other stores, we can find various preparations that guarantee longevity, but you do not have to look far because you can find all that in extra virgin olive oil.
One of the more common diseases that occurs during aging is osteoporosis, when due to a lack of nutrients (primarily minerals and vitamins), the bones weaken. EVOO generally improves the absorption of nutrients, and therefore calcium as well, which helps with osteoporosis problems.
Natural antioxidant
A natural antioxidant Oleocanthal has been found in EVOO which helps prevent the accumulation of beta amyloid believed to be the causative agent of Alzheimer that affects the population at an increasingly earlier age. Also, an increasingly common disease is depression, for which has been proven that an increased intake of unsaturated fatty acids helps prevent this widespread disease. EVOO, included in this study, is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and helps prevent depression.
Impact on aging
Free radicals are formed in the human body over the years, which cause a series of reactions that consequently lead to accelerated aging of cells in the body, but also on the skin. In order to stop aging, it is necessary to increase the intake of antioxidants that react with free radicals and thus remove them from the body. It is EVOO that is rich in these compounds, removing the signs of aging from the body, and thanks to the high content of Tocopherol (a precursor of vitamin E) it preserves the youthful appearance of the skin.
Abuznait, A. H., Qosa, H., Busnena B. A., El Sayed, K. A., Kaddoumi A. (2013) Olive-Oil-Derived Oleocanthal Enhances β-Amyloid Clearance as a Potential Neuroprotective Mechanism against Alzheimer’s Disease: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies, ACS Chem Neurosci. 4, pp. 973-982
Perez-Jimenez, F. et al, International conference on the healthy effect of virgin olive oil, Eur J Clin Invest 35, 421-424
Sánchez-Villegas, A., Verberne, L., De Irala, J., Ruíz-Canela, M., Toledo, E., Serra-Majem, L., Martínez-González,M. A. (2011) Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Depression: The SUN Project, http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016268
Žanetić, M., Gugić, M. (2006) Zdrastvene vrijednosti maslinovog ulja, Pomologia Croatica 12