


This year, Museum Night at the Istrian Olive Oil House was filled with various activities. Numerous visitors learned many interesting facts about the history of olive […]

TO DO IN ISTRIA – the best attractions, experiences and tours in Istria in one place

The new booking platform "To do in Istria" was presented at the House of Istrian Olive Oil in Pula. It is a website that encompasses the tourist offer of Istria in one place. For now, 52 different attractions, tourist experiences and tours in Istria can be booked on the website. The portal was launched by the Istrian Tourism Development Agency with the support of the County of Istria and the Tourist Board of the County of Istria.

Otvoren novi natječaj za posao

IDEA ISTRA je tvrtka koja se bavi inovativnim proizvodima u kulturnom turizmu. Naša vizija je sretan gost koji se kroz naše usluge i proizvode upoznao s lokalnom kulturom i pri tome i zabavio. Kroz KUĆU ISTARSKOG MASLINOVOG ULJA promoviramo kulturu maslinarstva i značaj kvalitetnog ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja.

Visit of the Zagreb Olive Institute

U subotu 26. studenog 2022. godine pun autobus maslinara i njihovih prijatelja iz Zagrebačkog maslinarskog instituta posjetio je našu Kuću istarskog maslinovog ulja sa željom upijanja novih znanja, iskustava i druženja.