The value of olive oil was known even in ancient times. Besides being used in nutrition, the ancient Greeks and Romans also used it for skincare. Nowadays, numerous studies have confirmed its health benefits due to advancements in chemistry and biomedicine, and extra virgin olive oil has become synonymous with health and a healthy lifestyle. Using high-quality oil is essential.
Have you ever participated in an olive harvest and picked olives with bare hands? If so, you must have noticed how quickly your palms become soft, and the skin of your hands that came in contact with the olives becomes moisturized and elastic.
It’s common knowledge that signs of skin damage, loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and general skin deterioration occur with aging and are further exacerbated by exposure to sunlight.
Continuous reactions within the human body lead to the formation of free radicals, accelerating cellular aging and causing various diseases. This is where extra virgin olive oil comes into play, as it contains a significant amount of natural antioxidants that protect it from oxidation. You can find top-quality oils at Oleumhistriae.
Extra virgin olive oil has been used in the cosmetics industry for a long time, and we can list its three main effects:
One way of facial care is creating a face mask using olive oil. Here are various ways to use olive oil for facial skin:
Before using olive oil on your face, we recommend conducting a patch test on a small area of skin to check how your skin reacts. Every skin is unique, so it’s important to monitor how your skin responds to its use.
The ancient Romans were known for their love of sports, and it’s no surprise that they developed a range of treatments to enhance their athletes’ performance. One of the most popular treatments involved using fragrant olive oil and massages, which became an integral part of ancient Roman culture.
The combination of massage and oil was believed to help athletes relax or recover after intense physical activity.
The ancient Romans also believed that olive oil and massages had healing properties, helping to alleviate sore muscles, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation.
The use of fragrant oil was also considered a luxurious way to keep the body clean and fragrant while helping to reduce the risk of wound infections and skin irritations.
Olive oil was particularly valued for its moisturizing properties and sun protection. Those who practiced sports would rub their bodies with oil before training in the arena or gymnasium. The oil would be applied all over the body, especially on the muscles and joints.
After training, athletes would clean themselves using a strigil, a curved bronze instrument that allowed them to remove the layer of oil, dust, and sweat. The Apoxyomenos, an ancient bronze statue from small Lošinj, depicts a young athlete holding a strigil to scrape oil, dust, and sweat from his body.
The fragrant olive oil wasn’t reserved only for athletes; it was also used as a general treatment for health and beauty, as well as a moisturizer for skin and hair. Often, scents derived from natural ingredients like flowers, herbs, and spices were added to the oil, believed to have therapeutic properties and aid in lifting mood and reducing stress.
Massage and the use of fragrant oils remain popular today. Although our understanding of the benefits of massage and the use of olive oil has evolved over time, it’s clear that ancient Romans cared for their bodies using natural remedies.
The oil was infused with various scents such as lavender, rosemary, and mint, which not only provided a pleasant fragrance but also had therapeutic properties. These are still used today; check out our products.So, the next time you go for a massage and use natural products based on olive oil, remember that you’re continuing a tradition dating back to ancient Rome. Contact us for any additional questions.