The story begins in the early 18th century when the Jurković family began to plant vineyards in the Fuškulin area near Poreč. Until the end of World War II, the family cultivated 30 ha of agricultural land, 20 of which was for vineyard.

After a 50-year break, at the beginning of the new millennium, the descendants, more specifically the Damjanić family, began re-planting vineyards on the same fertile land.

After 15 years of hard work, the Damjanić family has 10.5 ha of vineyards and a modernly equipped cellar, where the young enologist Ivan Damjanić applies the acquired knowledge and love of winemaking.

Highlighting the best quality, the Damjanić family uses the most modern technology in wine production and the results can be visible by the medals won at domestic and international competitions – wine exhibitions.



Weight 1,6 kg